
vineri, 30 august 2013

Apariție editorială: Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXI (Supplement ), No 4, 2012, History, Philosophy and Politics (10th-21th Centuries), edited by Daniela Mârza, Liana Lăpădatu

Editor’s Note, Daniela Mârza, Liana Lăpădatu, p. 5

The Middle Ages: A Different Face, p. 7

Adrian Ioniţă, L’horizon des tombes à dépôt de cheval ou parties de cheval dans la région comprise entre le Bas-Danube, les Carpates Méridionales et Orientales et le Dniestr (Xe-XIIIe siècles), p. 9

Vlad Sofronie, Die Beziehungen zwischen Byzanz und dem Königreich Jerusalem am Beispiel des kaiserlichen Hofzeremoniells von Konstantinopel im 12. Jahrhundert, p. 43
Tudor Sălăgean, Notes on the Documentary Mention of Haţeg in June 19, 1278, p. 53

Victor V. Vizauer, The Transylvanian Anthropo-toponymy in the 13th Century: Introductory Views, p. 61
Claudia M. Bonţa, Payne’s Universum in The Graphic Collection of National History Museum of Transylvania Cluj-Napoca, p. 73

Ioan Pop-Curşeu, Représentations sociales, peurs et règlements de conflits : Les Roumains dans les chasses aux sorcières de Transylvanie (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles), p. 85

Ideologies: Between Philosophy and Theology, p. 105
Daniel Fărcaş, Quantum potest et eductio formarum : L’analogie de reception dans le Super Dionysium De divinis nominibus, d’Albert le Grand, p. 107
Vlad Mureşan, Berkeley’s Argument for the Existence of God in the Alciphron dialogue, p. 125
Liliana Sonea, Culianu and the European Philosophical Inheritance, p. 131
Claudia Renata David, Metaphysics According to Ion Petrovici, p. 145
Ana-Maria Dragodan, Is There a Political Pathology? p. 165
Camil-Alexandru Pârvu, Defining Populism and the Problem of Indeterminacy: Some Conceptual Considerations, p. 175

A World in Motion: Political Realities and International Relations, p. 187
Gheorghe Cliveti, Protectorates and International Guarantees in South-Eastern Europe (1774–1878), p. 189
Armand Goşu, La genèse de la frontière sur le Prout : les négociations de Giurgiu et Bucarest (1811-1812), p. 201
Raluca Alexandrescu, La modernité roumaine à l’âge de l’apprentissage politique, p. 221
Gheorghe Iacob, The Modernization of Romania - A Success or a Failure? p. 245
Mircea Baron and Oana Dobre-Baron, Mining Labor Agreements in the Jiu Valley during the Interbellum Period, p. 257
Jean Firică, Processes of Globalization and Sport Development, p. 275

Cultural and Historical Diversity, p. 289
Annelore Mayer, Das Wort als Transporteur eines autochthonen Bildes – kann „Pfanne“ ins Rumänische eindeutig mit „Tigaie“ übersetzt werden?, p. 291
Vilmos Erős, Die ungarische Geschichtsschreibung zur Zeit des Dualismus, p. 301
Ioana Mihaela Bonda, Chanoines roumains dans les grandes universités européennes pendant la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, p. 317
Daniela Deteşan, Matrimonial Behaviours of the Transylvanian Romanian Rural Elite (Second Half of the 19th Century), p. 327
Florinela Popa, Sergei Prokofiev: The Relationship between Music and Communist Ideology: Outline of a Typology, p. 339
Stoica Lascu, The Paradigmatic Polyvalence of Romanian Historiography: Past and Present—Themes, Authors, Orientations, p. 357
Corina Iosif, Producing and Consuming “Folklore”: Study of the Origins and Usage of Folklore as a Field of Media Culture in Post-Communist Romania, p. 391
Ioan Bolovan, Bogdan Crăciun and Daniela Mârza, Mixed Marriages in a Multiethnic and Multiconfessional Environment: A Case Study on the City of Cluj (1900-1939), p. 405

List of Authors , p. 413

      For abstracts and more details click here.

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